Frequently Asked Questions
  1. What data does "Stay In Touch" access?

    The app accesses your email headers which includes fields like from, to, cc, bcc, and subject. The app does not have permission to see the body or attachments of your email.

  2. What data does "Stay In Touch" store?

    Stay In Touch analyzes and extract weak ties out of your Gmail messages. It stores extracted the following information about extracted weak ties

    • Sender name
    • Sender email
    • Last communication date
    • Few subject entries for refrence
    Rest of the data is discarded. It is not even cached to avoid any potential data theft issues.

  3. How can I delete my data from "Stay In Touch"?

    An automated way is being worked on. In the meanwhile, just email And I will delete your data from the system. You can disconnect ongoing access of your Inbox with StayInTouch anytime by going to

  4. How are weekly digest emails generated and sent? Can someone look at their content?

    The weekly digest emails are generated automatically and are sent via The generated emails are deleted immediately and no copy of them is retained.

  5. How do I provide feedback?

    Please email :)